Alabama Marijuana Laws

The marijuana laws are changing every year and can be difficult to keep up with. We do our best to provide you with the most up to date information on the Alabama Marijuana Laws.

Status: Illegal

Decriminalized: No

Medical: No

Alabama Falls Short On Reform, But Approves Medical Studies

Even though Alabama made ground on their decriminalization and medical marijuana, the legislation put a hold on the 2019 session without passing either of the reforms.

With the Alabama Senate passing a comprehensive bill on medical marijuana (SB-236), the House decided to modify it, creating a study on the issue instead. The study law was signed by Governor Kay Ivey. The commission made up of 15 members must report back with a draft legislation and recommendations by the first of December 2019.

Furthermore, Alabamas Senate Committee approved a decriminalization bill (SB-98) that would reduce penalties for possessing up to an ounce of marijuana, and issue fines up to $250. Unfortunately the committee voted down, and the Senate did not pass the bill.

Stay tuned for more information later this year!

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