South Carolina Marijuana Laws

With laws on cannabis changing from year to year in each state, it can be difficult to keep up. We wanted to make things easy for you, so we put together a short article on all of the updates to the South Carolina Marijuana Laws. Check it out below!

Status: Illegal

Decriminalized: No

Medical: No

Medical Marijuana Bills Waiting in 2019

2019 brings about the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act once again. Peter McCoy and Tom Davis, two legislative champions, introduced measures in order to establish a regulated and comprehensive program for ill patients to have access to medical cannabis. Lawmakers supported these measures, and this year, that support looks to continue.

If you support these measures, and you live in South Carolina, let your lawmakers know! If you want to take a closer look at each of the representatives proposed measures you can check them out here. (Senator Davis’s Bill) (Representative McCoy’s Measure)

Hopefully, South Carolina will soon join the majority of the United States in legalizing and regulating medical marijuana. With more and more surrounding states making the changes to their laws, it’s only a matter of time before South Carolina joins the rest.

Stay tuned for more updates to the South Carolina Marijuana Laws

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